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Coming Soon!!

First blog post!!  I guess this is where I introduce myself, and explain what to expect from the blog.

What you need to know about me:

I have a full time job.  I also have a part time job.  Between the two there is a small amount of time that I'm able to commit to blogging, so if you start reading don't be suprised when there are lulls in the posts.  You have my permission to harass me about it, but it's possible that nothing will change.  I have a degree in culinary technology (I also have degrees in Biology and Psychology, but the Culinary is what I'll focus most on here).

That's pretty much what you need to know about me for blog purposes.  Now the good stuff, what can you expect from this blog:

Food.  Food I make.  Food I attempt to make.  Food that I eat.

I plan on having a lot of fun with the blog.  I want to share my triumphs and my failures in the kitchen.  I feel that it's important to show both (although, I'm hoping to show a lot more successes than failures).  Nobody can be perfect in the kitchen, everybody knows this, and every so often I'll prove it.

I am also very lucky to have foodie friends. I'm looking forward to going out with them and posting the adventures... and believe me most often there ARE adventures.

I think that's a good base for what to look for in the future.  I do have a few ideas, but I won't share them just yet, only because I have to figure out if they can be implemented... you're curious, aren't you??

Oh, there are two more things: I really like interaction.  Please ask questions, submit your comments, request future blog posts ... anything!!  Finally, I have issues with punctuation.  I really like using ellipses, and I often overuse commas (oh, and I go a little crazy wtih the parentheses too) ... please don't judge!

Look for another post in the coming week (maybe two) ... see below picture for a sneak peek of what to expect (sorry about the picture quality, it's from my cell phone).

Makes you want to come back for more, right?


  1. It looks like you're drowning those cookies.

    I'm really into one pot meals lately. Like, what brilliant thing can you show me to make and I chopped or whatever, got a chopping board dirty, but everything went into, and came out of, one pot.

    Also, I like "empiricalfoodism" and I'd like to see you have a small thing on what that means to you/why you named your site empirical foodism.

    Germ-y (Misha B)


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