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Cupcakes - Part 1

So, back in April, I made cupcakes for John and Heather’s wedding.  I promised a post about these cupcakes, I also promised recipes as I recall.  I’ve decided that I’m only posting the recipes for the cupcakes that I would make again without altering the recipe. 

When John and Heather first approached me about helping out for their wedding, I was overly ambitious.  I thought that it would be fun to have 5 flavors of cupcakes.  I don’t know what I was thinking!

After talking it through with the bride and groom, we came up with the following:  Citrus cupcakes with chocolate buttercream; Pistachio cupcakes with lime buttercream; Chocolate Coconut cupcakes with a coconut buttercream; Strawberry cupcakes with a vanilla bean cream cheese icing; and a cookies and cream cupcake with a basic buttercream icing.  I also made a carrot cake for the two of them to cut, I used the vanilla bean cream cheese icing for this (covered in some bought fondant).

It took many days of baking to finally get the 300+ cakes for the wedding.  Finally all the cupcakes were bagged up in my freezer, just waiting until wedding day.

The morning of the wedding, I enlisted the help of a co-worker, and headed up to the wedding site.  Decorating went quickly (thank God for Donna, who is the most mellow and calming person that I’ve ever met), and without incident.  Now, just to wait to see people’s reactions to the cupcakes.

According to John and Heather, the cakes were a hit.  I was about 3 glasses of wine into it, so I couldn’t have cared less at that point, my end was done, the cupcakes were mostly gone, and John and Heather were married!!  It was an awesome day, and definitely one of the best weddings I’d ever been to!

Over the next few posts (I’m writing them ahead of time, so they’ll be ready to go), I’ll share the recipes for the Pistachio cupcakes with lime buttercream, Chocolate coconut cupcakes with coconut buttercream, strawberry cupcakes with vanilla bean cream cheese icing, and the carrot cake recipe I used.  I found a better citrus cupcake recipe that I’ll share in an upcoming post (there, I will give you the chocolate buttercream as well as a bonus almond buttercream recipe!) 

One of the wedding guests took this picture!


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